Lynked with Love from Nexus

Smudging Tools

Blue Sage Bundles

Lynked with Love from Nexus

Regular price $15.00
Blue Sage Bundles
Blue Sage Bundles
Blue Sage Bundles

3 bundles for $15 or 1 for $6 

  • 4" NATURAL, ORGANIC & SUSTAINABLY SOURCED FRESHLY DRIED SAGE STICKS: Blue Sage Smudge Sticks or wands, hand wrapped with ethical standards, Reusable & tightly bound for continuous burning, with a stress reducing, calming light floral sweet scent.
  • Burning sage or smudging using blue sage smudge energy clearing bundle is perfect for those wanting to purify their space or self of negative energies or create an uplifting atmosphere while practicing yoga or mediations provides a lighter more floral aroma than white sage. Burning sage in this ancient Native American ceremonial ritual should be done to keep yourself and environment energetically balanced.

    Whether it's blue or white sage sticks, they promote maintaining a healing, harmonious and peaceful state of being, spiritual awareness, intuition, clears negative energy and studies show it also cleans the air of bacteria. It is especially helpful when you've been around people that are depressed, fearful, ill, emotionally unbalanced, mentally ill, emotionally or physically toxic, or angry. Also when you are feeling blue, or under extreme stress. Smudging creates a wonderful "lightness" of the atmosphere. When you smudge on a regular basis, harmony prevails.

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